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Physical Activity

Physical Therapy As Part Of Recovery


Recovery is a multifaceted journey, and physical therapy plays a pivotal role in enhancing overall well-being during the rehabilitation process. At Sahwan Rehab, we recognize the importance of fitness therapy in fostering strength and mental clarity among individuals undergoing addiction recovery.

Our Fitness Therapy program offers a diverse range of activities, including aqua exercise, cardio fitness, personal training, yoga, pilates, mountain biking, and body combat. Tailored to individual needs and desires, each patient receives a customized Fitness Therapy program to support their recovery.


Cardio exercise, a key component, is associated with neurogenesis, promoting the growth of new brain cells. This not only elevates mood but also serves as a powerful tool in offsetting depression and mood disorders commonly experienced by those in recovery.


Yoga classes are integral to our physical therapy program, contributing to increased flexibility, joint lubrication, and internal organ stimulation. Beyond physical benefits, yoga harmonizes the mind and body, fostering a meditative state that aids in mental clarity and emotional stability, essential aspects of recovery.

Personal Training

Personal Training programs at Sahwan Rehab are individually crafted to restore patients to a physically healthy state. Recognizing the uniqueness of each individual, our programs encompass cardio fitness, aerobics, weightlifting, resistance exercises, and various fitness therapies tailored to the specific needs and abilities of the patient.


Mountain Biking

For outdoor enthusiasts, our one-hour mountain biking tour combines physical exertion with the therapeutic benefits of nature. Amidst Thailand's picturesque rice paddy fields, this activity builds leg strength, optimizes fat burning, and offers a social outlet beneficial for long-term well-being.

Aqua Fitness Therapy

Aqua fitness therapy harnesses water's supportive and massaging properties to reduce pain, increase flexibility, and alleviate stress. Led by our fitness instructor Kwan, these classes incorporate resistance and isometric exercises to build strength and muscles.


Pilates, focusing on core strength and postural muscles, contributes to spinal support and overall balance. Incorporating elements such as structural alignment, controlled breathing, and muscle coordination, Pilates enhances flexibility and aids in toxin expulsion from the body.

Body Combat

Our optional body combat class provides a cardio-intensive fitness therapy. Incorporating techniques such as push-ups, sit-ups, shadow boxing, and free weight boxing, this class builds strength, endurance, and aids in weight loss—a perfect transition for those re-entering gym classes.

At Sahwan Rehab, our comprehensive Fitness Therapy program is designed not only to address physical well-being but also to support the mental and emotional aspects of recovery, ensuring a holistic approach to rehabilitation.

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Effective and Affordable Addiction Treatment That Works

  • Modern facility with the highest success rate in Asia
  • More than 95% of our clients complete primary treatment
  • Fully licensed & certified by Thailand's Ministry of Public Health
  • Program includes ongoing aftercare